SourceForge, CVS, Git & Archi version 1.6

SourceForge was attacked and many of its services were taken down around January 27th – see here. I’d just committed Archi 1.6.0 beta 2 to CVS just before the attack. And today, the CVS services are still down. So, since then I’ve spent some time noodling, and fixing some stuff, and waiting and waiting, and reading up on Git. Today was the final straw so all the code is now in Git and Archi 1.6.0 final is released. They say that you should make lemonade from lemons.

With Git I can rely on my own local repo and push to as many on-line repos as I want.

Archi 1.6 released.

Code Punk | Muso | Archi Guy | Not a Thought Leader
Posts created 77

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