For the beginner

Lots of coding on the Tree View, its Model and its adapters.

Looking at other tools and they seem way too complicated. What the heck do you do with it if you are a beginner? This led me to think that it would be nice if you are a user that just wanted to get into ArchiMate and our tool made it oh so easy. With this in mind I added the Hints View. We will also use cheat sheets. So easy to get started.

1. User wants to get into ArchiMate
2. User downloads another tool, fires it up and says, “Dang!” Wait, no they don’t download it because it costs too fucking much $$$ and they have to go through some bullshit first.
3. User downloads our tool, fires it up and straight away starts modelling

So easy.

Code Punk | Muso | Archi Guy | Not a Thought Leader
Posts created 77

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