
Started gathering the materials for the project – The ArchiMate spec, take a look at other tools, read the PDF documents and so on.

Also, need to do much research on the Eclipse Modelling Framework, so two EMF books ordered from Amazon.

This will be a “proof of concept” tool:

The creation of an OSS tool oriented towards those making first steps with Archimate and with functionality somewhere between template-driven drawing tools like Visio and “enterprise class” tools would fill a space in the market and provide a platform for implementing a standard export. The development of such an interoperable exchange is understood to be of interest to the Open Group.

While this proof-of-concept will be a single-developer effort, we will anticipate sustainability issues as follows:

  1. We will engage with EAPG and OG Archimate forum with a clear message that this is a 6 month proof of concept after which we will expect others to commit time or money.
  2. Within the period of the proof-of-concept development, (at least) the Eclipse Foundation ( will be investigated as a candidate home.
  3. Coding will be undertaken with the above in mind: care will be taken to ensure IPR of third parties is not included and that code is of maintainable quality.

Coverage of Archimate:

  1. Initially implement only the business layer model elements through from the core metamodel through to the model instance tree and graph (box-and-connector) UI
    i. Creation of model entities in model tree
    ii. Creation of model presentations/diagrams by dragging model entities onto canvas
    iii. Creation of model entities and diagram representation from palette
    iv. Enforce relationship constraints
  2. Initially limit to a subset of constructs even within a layer. Aim by project end is to include all model elements.
  3. Inclusion of the application layer is within the pilot scope
  4. Desirable – support for technology layer
  5. Exclusion – There will not be explicit support for the pre-defined Viewpoints in the Archimate specification

Supporting the User:

  1. Allow for switching sets of available model elements, e.g. business level only, basic elements so that a “beginner business modeller” can get started without having to get to grips with too much choice.
  2. Hints on meaning and correct use of model elements will be available
  3. Association of notes, annotations etc with model elements (off-diagram)
  4. Exclusion – impact analysis, dependency analysis, landscape maps


  1. Allow (composite) model fragments to be used in various diagrams by reference (c.f. BizzDesign Architect views)
  2. If time? preloaded terminology for select model elements, e.g. business function terms align to BCS (JISC InfoNet). Would need to be browsable and data-driven, .
  3. Exclusion – multi-user or remote repository
  4. Exclusion – version control

User Interface:

  1. Will be minimalist and uncluttered by “bells and whistles”


  1. Load/Save
  2. Export diagram images in a sensible format for browser viewing and insert into MSOffice and OpenOffice
  3. Potentially export as HTML if time (would need to define what this would behave like but at the very least it would need to be diagram+notes/annotations for presented model elements)


  1. The tool will be built using the Eclipse Modelling Framework and Graphical Framework.
  2. Model instance identifiers will be assigned such that they can be easily mapped to URIs and models provided as RDF.

FUTURE (out of scope for now):

  1. Export (only) in an interoperable format, which is not yet defined but is believed to be of interest to Open Group Archimate Forum. This would almost certainly based on XMI . We should also entertain code contributions from other vendors for proprietary exports.
  2. Publication/upload/deposit to JISC innovation base or similar
Code Punk | Muso | Archi Guy | Not a Thought Leader
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